
11/26: Wire Wear Fashion & Art Show

James Carrick


Tuan Tran Couture "WireWear" - Art & Fashion Show - Sponsored by SOLZ

The event includes an informal gallery walk-thru of Tuan Tran's art pieces and a fashion show featuring the Complete Collection of Tuan Tran Couture WireWear !

Please reserve the date, Saturday, Nov. 26th 2011.
Door opens at 7:30 pm, fashion show begins at 8:00 pm.

RSVP does not guarantee entry to the event. Please arrive early to enjoy the show!

This is an age 21 and over event. 

Tuan Tran artist page:

Event photo by Anchi Lien -
Event graphics by Kat Silan - Unlimited Ideas

Gallery 4N5
863 Mission Street Across from Bloomingdales (Westfield Mall)
San Francisco, CA