SOLZ Features — fashion

SOLZbag Unveiling at Apple Flagship in SF

SOLZ was proud to be invited to unveil our brand-new SOLZbag at the Apple flagship store in downtown San Francisco.  SOLZ founder Brad Carrick spoke as part of San Francisco Design Week and told the story of SOLZbag, from design to the campaign used to fund production to bringing the product to market.  SOLZ bag is a perfect compliment to Apple products and we were honored to be asked to launch our new product in such a great setting.  Thanks to Apple, SFFAMA, SF Design Week and everyone who came out for the opportunity!  Here are some pics from the...

SOLZ Gets Laced Up with Ms. Lacey Bannister

James Carrick

Tags art, backpack, bag, fashion, local, shoes, solar, solz

I met Lacey long before SOLZ was ever born and could sense right away there was something special about her.  Having grown up in a family of artists, I think I learned to see the creative spark in certain peoples' eyes that set them apart.  While any artistic talent seems to have skipped me in the genetic card game, I have always gravitated to people who have it.  Every once in a while, I have seen people who's spark is more of a firework.  Then there is Lacey Bannister.  Its almost as if she created her signature headdresses as a...

SOLZ - A Shoe Walks Into a Bar

James Carrick

Tags bar, fashion, local, shoes, solz

 Check out our first short film!  Meant to show the flexibility (and perhaps some of the personality) of our amazing sneakers.  Watch to the end for an exclusive discount code!  (We have decided to extend the deal...)

Cassandra Farrar - Strings Attached

James Carrick

Tags fashion, local, music, photographer, shoes, solz

I met Cassandra at a Fashion Show I was hosting a couple of months ago.  I assumed the usual.  Pretty girl hanging around fashion shows = aspiring model.  I asked what she did almost as a formality.  When she said she was a musician, I was surprised but didn't expect much.  When I later checked out some of her work online, that all changed.  In a music scene that is crowded and unoriginal, she has a sound that is fresh, real, alive and spunky.  Oh, and she is damn talented.  I asked her to perform at our SOLZtice event -...

KEN CHEN SF - Flash Forward

James Carrick

Tags fashion, local, shoes, solz

The old adage claims that there is "no substitute for experience."  In the fashion world, however, a good case could be made for vision.  I think it was Doug Rader who said that, "If experience was so important, we'd never have had anyone walk on the moon."  This is where we may begin to understand the up-and-coming San Francisco designer Ken Chen.  He has been at this for just under a year and is already turning heads fast enough to keep chiropractors in business.  I had the pleasure of hosting his show at SF Fashion Week 2011 and was proud to see him...